安全打壓機 bbc micro:bit coding
在這個模型的coding裡,你需要用到以下的micro:bit codes:
- Basic (basic micro:bit functions and actions): On Start, Show icon, Pause
- Input (events and inputs from sensors): Button is Pressed
- Loops: While Loop (repeat code while a Boolean condition is true)
- Logic: If (conditionally run code depending on whether a Boolean condition is true or false)
- Function: Define a function, Calling a function
- Pins (Control currents in Pins for analog/digital signals, servos, i2c,...) : Digital Write Pin, Digital Read Pin
基本版 :
如未能下載建議使用firefox browser來開啟網頁
Function ver :
如未能下載建議使用firefox browser來開啟網頁