AlphAI - Hand-in-Hand Demo 1&2, Activities and Lessons
10. 官方中譯課程
- 10.1 AlphAI 課程總覽
- 10.2 G1. Introduction to AI (AI 人工智能簡介)
- 10.3 G1.1 LV1 遙控 | Remote Control
- 10.4 G1.2 LV2 編程 | Programming
- 10.5 G1.3 LV3 監督式學習(模仿) | Supervised ("imitative") Learning
- 10.6 G1.4 LV4 強化學習 | Reinforcement learning ('trial and error')
- 10.7 G2. 人工智能與倫理 | AI and ethics
- 10.8 S1. 機器人比賽 | Robot Race
- 10.9 S2.人機交互 | Human-Machine interaction
- 10.10 S4.K-近鄰演算法 | K Nearest Neighbors Algorithm
- 10.11 S5. 入侵偵測 | Intruder Detection
- 10.12 R2. 強化學習| Reinforcement Learning (advanced)